
Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas Quiz

I “borrowed” this from, which I found while hitting the next blog button.

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?
Hot chocolate.

2. Does Santa wrap his gifts or does he just put them under the tree?
He fills the stockings on Christmas morning.

3. Colored or white lights?
Colored lights.

4. Do you hang mistletoe?
If I can find it. I guess I could get out the pole pruner and lop some off the neighbor’s tree.

5. When do you put up your tree?
Second weekend in December.

6. What is your favorite Christmas food?
As a child it was my aunt’s Norwegian cookies. Now it’s See’s Candy. I used to work for a large company and we would receive huge boxes from the company that managed our computer system. For a while my department was close to the mail room so we would get our box first, and then spread the word to Accounting: “The See’s Candy is here!”

7. What is your favorite Christmas memory from when you were a child?
My uncle taking us driving through San Francisco to see the Christmas lights.

8. Do you open presents on Christmas eve?

9. How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
With as much stuff as possible. The more interesting an ornament, the better. I have Star Wars, snails, Barbies, pickles (hey, they are a German tradition). I got a sequined fish at the aide’s gift exchange at school and it fit right in!

10. Snow! Love it or hate it?
Nice to look at. The one time we went to Lake Tahoe in the winter, we didn’t have the best time. It didn’t help that I had the flu while we were there.

11. Can you ice skate?
As with most sports, badly.

12. Do you remember your best gift?
The pearl necklace Jeff gave me years ago, the computer (which was completely unexpected and hidden at his dad’s house for weeks), and anything made by the kids.

13. What does Christmas mean to you? What is the most important thing about it, for you?
It’s important to be with my family (husband and sons).

14. What is in the top of your Christmas tree?
It varies. This year it’s Matthew’s peanut people, which he made in 3rd grade.

15. What is your favorite Christmas tradition?
Decorating the tree, although I wasn’t really into it this year. I’d been sick with a cold, tired, and discouraged because the tree was in a corner and I couldn’t decorate the back. As I put it, “I can’t get enough ornaments on it.”

16. What do you like better, giving or receiving?
Giving. I love shopping for the perfect gift.

17. What is your favorite dessert after Christmas dinner?
Pumpkin Pie.

18. What is your favorite Christmas song?
Anything from the Vince Guaraldi soundtrack to the Peanuts Show. Matthew plays “Linus and Lucy” and “Christmastime is Here.”

19. Kerstkransjes. Do you like 'em?
This was from a Dutch blog, so I don’t know what they are. Cookies? Candy? They look like Aunt Ollee’s spritz cookies.

20. What is your favorite Christmas movie?
Nightmare Before Christmas. A Christmas Story. The Peanuts special.

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