
Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas Party

Here we are, all dolled up for the Handy Husband's Christmas party last night.

His company spares no expense and hosts a really good Christmas party. Good food: "eclectic California cuisine." Good door prizes: many gift certificates, several iPods, and 2 iPhones. (The HH won an iPod shuffle and 50 free songs.) Good alcohol: Lots of it. Greeters at the door handed out margaritas and mojitos. And there were 2 bars. Good band: The HH made me promise I wouldn't make him dance, but two of his friends nagged shamed him into it, so he danced with me once. My cute shoes weren't too good for dancing (wedgies with non-skid soles). But they looked good.


  1. Very pretty!!
    And I have shoes almost identical to those!!

  2. What a great photo! Here is m-i-l with lump in her throat.

  3. I love that dress AND those shoes. What a cute couple you two make.

  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that dress! The color, the cut, and the material are all just perfect.


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