
Monday, December 24, 2007

Rock Band is in the Bulding

Frank is setting up his Rock Band video game. I am still asking, "Why did you need this game?," because he and Ernest can play the real instruments. I think Ernest will be forced to sing, because he doesn't want to set up the drums. Apparently there is no bass. Those evil bassophobic game developers.

We're going to leave the room for a while while they get organized.

P.S. Later... drums have been set up. They both like the drums. Now we hear a constant tap tap tap.


  1. Sonny Boy got Guitar Hero III for his Wii. I am ever so thankful he moved the Wii from my big TV into his room...

  2. I sounds like it's going to be a rocking (and noisy) new year!

  3. You write very well.


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