
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Responsibilty Checklist

When you have a senior in high school, responsibility is imminent! In 1990, I thought I would just have a baby. I didn't really comprehend that he would grow up. Lucky me, he grew up nicely, with very little trouble. We've been working on what I call "Life Lessons" or responsiblity lessons for a couple years:

  • Driving safely, check. BIG check. VERY IMPORTANT check. A+++ on this one.
  • No illegal substances. ANOTHER BIG check. Another A+++ Don't think this has ever been a question.
  • Keeping your cool car full of gas and clean, check.
  • Good grades, check.
  • Laundry, check. (He knows how to do it. This year's goal--do it on a regular basis. It's usually all black. One load!)
  • Cooking, check (He can cook his favorite foods--pork chops, mashed potatoes, pancakes, fried eggs, and other things I can't think of right now)
  • Telling us where you're going, check.
  • Locking yourself out and what to do afterwards, the newest check. (Call a locksmith.)
  • Appropriate usage of your new lap-top, check pending........
  • Job, we'll give him a pass until he talks to the honchos at his dad's office. A little nepotism, but a lot of responsibility. So the checkmark is pending....

And coming soon....

  • Going to Japan!....
  • Balancing the checkbook...
  • Grocery shopping...
  • Paying bills...
  • Enrolling in college....
  • Moving.....(small steps, hope he moves into our upstairs apartment first).


  1. Japan?? WTF?

    Sounds to me like you have raised a very fine young man.
    Congratulations to you.

  2. So I didn't acutally begin to cry when I say the second list, but my breath did catch a bit. What happened to the red boots? I swear they were just last week.

  3. And the cape. What happened to the cape? I still catch glimpses of that little boy, especially when he glides around on his Heelys.

  4. May another check+ be added for a sweet boy who has ALWAYS had a hug for his grandmothers and other family females.

  5. All these things we have to teach our children. I don't believe anyone mentioned that in Lamaze classes.


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