
Monday, January 28, 2008

Finally, enough cowbell!

I picked Ernest up at school today. He was late, so I walked towards his classroom. What is that funny noise, I wondered? It got worse and worse. Clang-a-CLANG-A-CLANG-A-CLANG-A! Herds of middle-schoolers all shaking.....COWBELLS!

They had been to an assembly for the Amgen Tour of California, which will be in our town February 22. Every child got a souvenir cowbell. Give a child a noisemaker, and of course the child will make noise with it.

So I can truthfully say, I have finally heard enough cowbell.


  1. What in the HELL were they thinking?

  2. Was just flossing and thought of you.:) Does he get to keep the cowbell & bring it home? I like cowbells....

  3. [shudder]

    I'm so glad my children don't have cowbells.


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