
Sunday, May 25, 2008

It took me a week to write about my birthday!

As I blogged earlier, I felt a little dismal after Mother's Day. I didn't want fancy gifts, but I would have liked some acknowledgement or recognition that I'm special and make a difference.

To be on the safe side and avoid disappointment, I put Ernest in charge of my birthday last Sunday. Since he is a conscientious, attentive child, I knew he would do well. He came through admirably.

Frank made a yummy cake. He got a recipe from a friend at school. She made the cake for their physics class and he said it was great. When he asked her advice about baking cakes, she happened to be carrying the printed recipe in her purse. It was Pioneer Woman's Chocolate Sheet Cake, so click on that link for the recipe.

Ernest took his dad shopping. They did well. In addition to a practical gift ordered from the internet (a thingie to scan the boxes and boxes of slides I inherited), I received some pretty things too: Hand painted wine glasses, tchotchke boxes, a coffee cup.

From my magical sister-in-law and her gentleman, a succulent wreath, only slightly bent by their dog J.R. sitting on it, and a bottle of amazing pinot noir.

From my lovely mother-in-law, some sparkly toe rings. And an unexpected gift from a friend of hers. She was explaining the toe rings to him, so he asked her to give me some nautch-girl jewelry he had collected on a trip to India, long ago. As an occasional belly dancer, I love exotic things like that. The most unusual piece? A poison ring. You know, with the not-so-secret compartment that flips open!

From my beloved niece, who is also the mother of 2 boys, some girly stuff! Handmade Danish chocolate, a tiara and a pink wand!

We went out to dinner where my niece's husband works. Great food and view, inefficient waitress. Then we went home for the cake.

From left to right: McQueen, Me in the pink tiara obviously, Mr. Thomas's head, and Ernest, eagerly awaiting the chocolatey yumminess. Look, my hair color is almost the same as Ernest's. I wish I had his curl.

And I do feel special now. Thanks, everyone.


  1. I'm glad I ate the cake before I read the recipe. All that butter!!!!

    It was a lovely party. Thank you for inviting me.

    By the Bye, do you know about dry buttermilk? It's usually near regular dry milk in the store and keeps forever in the fridge.


  2. That boy of yours has a GORGEOUS head of hair. Yes, I'm a bit envious.

    I'm glad you had such a nice birthday!

  3. Everyone should feel special on their birthday. Glad it was a good day for you!

  4. Happy, Happy birthday!!
    That cake sounds too de-lish!!

  5. Happy belated birthday! The cake sounds fab.

    I agree on the gorgeous hair. *sigh* I am jealous.


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