
Monday, July 07, 2008


My Handy Husband and I have been looking at area rugs and carpet for a while now. Our small living room rug has begun to wear out. I bought it in 1995, along with some furniture, with a severance pay. The furniture has held up pretty well, but due to the boys and man who have played and relaxed on the rug for close to 13 years, the lush shag has given way to a bare crewcut on certain areas.

I was vaccuuming it one day and wondering while the pile didn't pick up, and it was because IT WAS ALL WORN OFF BY THEIR FEET.

Even though the HH and I both have similar visions of what we like, it's hard to find things that fit our vision. We saw a rug we liked in a catalog, but it was $999. Ouch.

So I walked into a floor model sale the other day and saw something, not as brightly colored, but reasonable: an Andy Warhol $499 rug for $99. The HH liked it too, so we bought it. It is 8x8 square, not the rectangle shown:

The square shape fits well in the room and I love the way it looks, but the blackness of it requires my Darling Dyson to come out of hiding more often. Like EVERY OTHER day.

Meh. For the price, if I decide I hate it I can put it in Frank's apartment. But I'm thinking my nephews McQueen and Mr. Thomas will think those stripes make great Hot Wheels tracks!

And carpet?? For Frank's apartment we are thinking of Flor.

Jen on the Edge has some great Flor in her living room, and great plans for Flor in her new house (I think it is Fonda del Sol?)


  1. I love a good rug deal--they're so expensive and so important that it's fantastic when you find a cool one like yours for a great price.

    Have you tried a carpet sweeper? They're old-fashioned but great when you just need to do a small area frequently.

  2. I actually really love the black rug. Very nice choice! The Flor? I envy! I want badly in fact for my living room!

  3. I love the new rug!!!

    And you're right, we're planning to get the Fonda del Sol for the girls' toy room after we move.

  4. #1 I love this rug! The first thing that came to my mind was Hot Wheel tracks!

    #2 I was in CWC the other day as saw YOUR yellow dress!! It made me think fondly of you!!

    #3. Love the Dyson!!

  5. Groovy rug!

    I drool over the ones at The Rug Company website...which don't even have prices....somehow I suspect they will never grace my floor!


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