
Friday, August 15, 2008

The Best Day I've Had All Week

I've been feeling a little punky this week, a combination of an intestinal yuckiness, massive perimenopausal hormonal fluctations, and a strange middle of the night panic attack. Someone else drove for me Thursday, and the Handy Husband kindly took over my carpool duties this morning --Thank you sweetie, that was so nice of you.

However, I pulled myself together this afternoon to keep a promise to Ernest. (I've had to renege on the Disneyland visit next week because I can't get a reservation at the Disneyland Hotels and I refuse to stay anywhere else). So keeping today's promise was important to me.

Yes, we rented SEGWAYS! Oh my gosh, what a blast! That was the most fun I had all summer! I felt better on that Segway than I have all week!

My top 5 enjoyable events this summer were:
  1. The Segway Ride,
  2. Seeing Mamma Mia!
  3. Dining out with my Handy Husband every chance we got!
  4. Having my kids return safely (which should be #1 but the traffic issues dropped it down the list),
  5. And seeing this grafitti every time I drove the carpool to the big town:

Seriously! There is a string of railroad cars along the coast, abandoned on a side track. They've been there all summer. Graffiti gradually started to appear. Ernest noticed this masterpiece several weeks ago.


  1. Those segways seem to be everywhere. Looks like a blast!

  2. Segways look like a blast to ride, but I'm always afraid I'll crash.

    I like the graffiti, someone seems to have a lot of talent!

  3. I hope you feel better soon, glad others are pitching in to help out.

    I have always wanted to ride a segway! I'm going to check it out here and see if rentals are available.

  4. They do look like fun to ride.

    Do you share the sensation that Sponge Bob is taking over the world? He's everywhere.

  5. I could totally go see Mama Mia again. It just made me happy. Hope you're feelng better. Peri is often not a good time.

  6. I want to ride on a Segway!

  7. I've always wanted to try to ride a Segway, but watching others ride them makes me nervous - I always think they are going to crash. We have a Sporting goods store where the managers get to ride Segways. They even donated one for the Pharoh to use in our summer theater production of Joseph ... Dreamcoat!

    I thought I'd delurk today, after stopping by quite often and never leaving a comment. I really enjoy reading your adventures! By chance is your "small town" about 45 miles NW of my home town of Goleta? I've lived in the Midwest for nearly 20 years now, but I still feel an affinity for my old stompin' grounds!

  8. Thanks everyone, for your kind thoughts.

    DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE SEGWAY! Try it! It's far more stable than a bicycle.

    Linda, I wish could e-mail you back. You pinpointed me exactly!

  9. Hi, this is Linda from the previous comment. Can't figure out why my URL didn't link... its, in case it doesn't work this time as well. It's good to make contact with some SoCal homeys!


C'mon, leave a comment and make my day!