
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

300 300 300 300 300 300

I WISH! No, it wasn't the movie. My 300th post crept up on me. I didn't even have that usual niggling feeling that I had forgotten something.

The truth is I have nothing momentous to blog about, so here are some smalltown mom tidbits. I thought about doing a regular post called Tuesday Tidbits, but you know me...I wouldn't get around to it on Tuesdays. (I've also seen Wordless Wednesdays and Saturday Skinfest.) I almost titled this blog Procrastination, and in fact that was the name of my first post.

The HH and I had a lovely anniversary dinner at a new restaurant. I ordered a bacon-wrapped filet because I am a total carnivore. I can't help it. I cannot cook steak decently at home so I order it every chance I get out. I am grateful.

(Memo to self: Self, please remember to put sunscreen on before lunch duty. Yikes. Must. Remember. Sunscreen. And thank the Hair Goddess for the newly blonde hair.)

Frank was stressed over a paper and asked me for advice, which he didn't like and I didn't want to give, so I went into another room and ignored him until we left for dinner. When we came back, he had solved his issues and written half the paper. I am grateful.

Ernest is learning something from Star Wars for piano. A nice addition to the repertoire. The assignment was something from a movie or TV show. Someone else had already signed up for Pink Panther. His teacher told him to pick something else, because he would [searching for the right word, embarass, surpass?] the other child. So he is challenged to learn something new. I am grateful.

The cat is not sleeping on my feet. I am grateful.

Estroven PM has totally stopped my perimenopausal night sweats. I am very grateful.
My husband and I still love each other. I am eternally and ever so grateful that I can't even express it.
So long, farewell, Auf wiedersehen, good night,
I hate to go and leave this pretty sight.


  1. What a nice post! I enjoyed it.

  2. too..hungry. will dream of "roast beast" tonight!!

    yeah on the 300 posts! will you have a 'bloggy party' to celebrate? I'll bring the chips and dip!!

  3. I love your 300th post and that your still in love and grateful for so many things!

  4. Wow! 300!!! Congrats!!
    I, too, would have ordered the bacon wrapped filet. yums!

    Good post.

  5. Happy 300th!

    Happy 25th!

    Happy no-more-night-sweats!

  6. Congrats on 300! Every time I see a picture of you and HH, it makes me smile. You truly have the stuff love is made of.

    Total aside, what is the song you posted lyrics from at the bottom of this post? (Can I say 'post' more?)

  7. Sticking with it for 300 posts, congrats!
    Sticking with marriage, congrats!
    Making it through night sweats, phew, congrats!

  8. The song is from Sound of Music. I think it's just called "Good Night".

  9. Congrats-and what a lovely photo of you and yours.


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