
Wednesday, September 03, 2008


That's some secret code, right?

It's my brain-like-a-sieve reminder to "Pick Up Ernest At 3:00!" I leave little notes to myself all over. I write notes on the calendar. Sometimes, in desperation, I write notes on my hand. It usually helps.

He and I have an agreement. I am allowed to "forget" to pick him up once a year without him getting mad. Usually it happens on a Thursday, when school lets out an hour early. But I am in luck this year, he plans to ride his bike on Tuesdays and Thursdays when he doesn't have band.

Today's other cryptic message was P/UpresRA (pick up the HH's prescriptions at Rite-Aid). And then there's still the BILLS post-it on the computer. That's self-explanatory.

What do you do to help you remember?


  1. I write notes, but they're fully spelled out, as abbreviations and I do not get along.

  2. I use "Rx" for prescriptions.

    I have also programmed the calendar in the cell phone; it uses the Canon ringtone as a reminder.


  3. I put things in my planner (Palm) and the mere act of doing so makes me remember. But OMG, your notes are amazing. If I did that, it would be like trying to read my handwriting. (Impossible.) I would stare at it for hours and not remember what I wrote. Too hilarious. And I like your "once a year agreement!"

  4. You know, I tried using acronyms on my calender as reminders. Then I couldn't remember what they stood for.

  5. Post it notes. EVERYWHERE. Mine are usually spelled out and when the note is longer than a post it, out come the index cards. I also try to do an index card each week for things like schedule vet appointments, change hair cut appointment, oil change, birthday gift, etc. All things that need to happen in the next week or so but not necessarily that day.

  6. I'm fine with the school pickup but last night my husband came home and my son greeted him at the door with: "I can't find my sister." "That's because she's at Tae Kwan Do" said my husband. Nope, that was because she was playing on the computer in the study because we totally forgot Tae Kwan Do.

  7. There was a time when I remembered stuff! Now that I'm a mom, it seems like a distant memory.

    I write notes, too. Sometimes on paper which I leave on top of my keys or something; sometimes on the calendar that's always open on my computer desktop; sometimes on a post-it somewhere. I don't abbreviate.

  8. I forget stuff all the time

  9. I make notes and lists all the time but that doesn't mean I can decipher them when I need to. I walked around the supermarket for a long long time trying to understand what "samadams" meant.
    It's beer.

  10. The calendar on my phone! I'm not required to remember it if it's not put on the calendar. It's a rule.

  11. I have 3 different schedule places...a big one in the living room, a small one for my bag and then I put things in my cell phone. But world would fall apart without Post Its!! I have them everywhere!!!
    I need a secretary some weeks!!!


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