
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Saturday Night Whatever

As I was approaching last night's carpool destination (a Halloween performance at the zoo), I had an epiphany. I didn't want to hang around there another night, I wanted to go to the movies. So after I dropped off Ernest and 3 girls (one of them had braided Ernest's hair on the way there -- he was very patient), I called home and had Frank read the movie ads to me.

It was too late for me to see Burn After Reading or Rachel at the Wedding. So I settled on....

High School Musical 3. I know, I know. I'm too old for that kind of thing. But you know I am a sucker for musicals. And Zac Ephron is cute in an Oedipal kind of way. The most interesting thing about the movie was the audience. Full of screamers. And these weren't teenyboppers. Oh no, these were grown young women screaming their heads off over Zac. Especially when he took his shirt off and they saw his naked back.

Afterwards I had dinner, then waited for ages until the kids were done and de-costumed. The carpool girls were very talkative, and as I dropped them off they thanked me for not getting sick of them.

That was my evening. Tonight is the last of the 3 carpool nights...I think I can make it on time to Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, The Secret Life of Bees, or Vicky Christina Barcelona.

What did you do on your hot Saturday night? I know Blackbird and Cheri ate something wonderful.


  1. Good for you, going to see HSM3! My kids spent the whole of last year performing High School Musical on stage. They got together as a group and went to the movie's premier on Friday. We theatre moms are going to put on our Wildcat jackets one more time and go on Halloween - I can't wait!

  2. Wow! I'm going on Wednesday, but in the company of 2 nine year old girls as my alibi! Not sure I'd have gone on my own to that particular movie.

    My Saturday, as you already know, was painful and disorienting so we'll just gloss over that.

  3. The older girl was at a sleepover, so the younger girl and I went to the craft and book stores. Then, we all read for hours.

  4. Husband and I went out to eat at a local bar. They have the best handbreaded tenderlion ever.
    Then we stopped by some friends house.
    We had a good time.
    Sonny Boy was at his grandpa's.

  5. Poor Ernest! Those silly girls!


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