
Sunday, November 02, 2008

Pumpkin Architecture

Ernest likes to build complicated pumpkin structures. Here's the 2008 model (the triple decker -- pay no attention to those other pathetic attempts. They weren't his):
I like his little hatchet:

I think he borrowed from his 2006 design:

And here's the 2005 edition:


  1. Wow. That's impressive. I'm guessing there must be some sort of internal wiring or something to hold it all together?

  2. Hey I'm impressed! I can't wait to see next year's!

  3. Pumpkin architecture indeed! Seriously cool.

    I saw a couple of double- and triple-deckers yesterday ... they are neat!

  4. My goodness that is creative!

  5. Can I hire him for his pumpkin skills for next year? I didn't even carve, just used potato head stick ins.

  6. I love his creativity! My son still refuses to get his hands "yucky" with the internal pumpkin goop. Maybe when he's Ernest's age, he'll be building spectacular Halloween treats, as long as I still clean out the orange orbs.

  7. When I first left home (got married--the first time), I used to get into decorating for everything (more time back then), and I made "snowmen" out of pumpkins and thought I was so creative. I was just goofing off, apparently. This is wonderful!

  8. I love that pumpkin gremlin! That's worthy of Martha Stewart's pumpkin design!


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