
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Hearty Breakfast

There are so many things from our trip that I want to share. But since it's morning, I think I'll start with breakfast.

The "Full Irish Breakfast" is an amazing and large plate of food. Our hotel, the O'Callaghan Davenport, offered a buffet. Clockwise from the left: beans, tomatoes, sausage, Irish bacon, mushrooms, sunnyside up eggs. I had already eaten the white and black puddings.

The eggs were small, with brightly colored yolks and were very tasty. The bacon was meaty, not fatty. Plus a whole tray of toast (the brown bread was delicious). Who could eat that much? We couldn't, not every day. One morning I just had porridge (granted, I had the stomach trouble the night before so porridge was a good thing).

We had a "vegetarian" version at the airport on our way home (no meat, but lots more veggies and potatoes too)...and as they dished up my plate, I turned to the Handy Husband and pleaded, "can't you share this with me? I can't eat all this." He did. He seemed to be satisfied with his larger half.


  1. the trick is to eat so much for breakfast you don't need lunch

  2. Holy Hell! Now THAT is a breakfast!! I hope you did a lot of walking on the days you ate all that...or attempted to eat all that!! I think I'd stick to the veggie plates...but there is a part of me who thinks that just looks yummilicious!!

  3. I can already tell that your posts are going to be bittersweet for me. They are going to bring back nice memories, but it has been 13 years since I was in Ireland and I miss it!!!

  4. Pete absolutely loves English breakfasts, whereas I get tired of all the eggs and pork products by the second day, so I usually ask for granola or oatmeal after that.

  5. I have to be REALLY not hungry before I will share food!

    I had no idea this was an Irish breakfast.

  6. The husband and I went to England for our honeymoon, and we were astonished at the breakfasts! Ah, memories ....

  7. That is definitely a big breakfast-a little strange to the American pallate I'd bet--not sure I'm happy about having clicked on black pudding.

  8. Remarkably similar to the Full Scottish Breakfast and Full English Breakfast. Far, Traveler.

  9. That's a ton of meat for so early in the morning! The mushrooms look great though.


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