
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The "10 Things I Like Beginning with The Letter..." Meme

I got this meme from Vanessa. Name 10 things I like,
all beginning with the letter she assigned me: P

In no particular order:

Pooh, my favorite thing to watch on a blustery day

Pickles...many kinds.


Purple and Petals

Patchwork and Pillows

photo from (but I bought the pillow)

Pom and Perrier. Hey, where did that vodka come from?

It looks like it's time to make Oprah's Pomegranate Martinis.

Pearls --whether real or fake, you just can't have too many.

If you want to play too, leave a comment and I'll assign your letter.


  1. yummm.. pickles and pomegranate... ok.. not together.

    I'll play!! I haven't done a meme in ages and my week long ban on them is way over.

  2. My daughter would be in heaven at hour house with all those pickles. I would be happy with the pearls.

  3. Mmmm... pickles.

    Okay, I'll jump on the bandwagon and do this one.

  4. I was reading the titles before the pictures came up and without my glasses I read "porn and perrier". Then the photo came up, I put on my glasses and breathed a sigh of relief.

    I'd love to play, and I promise to keep my glasses on.

  5. In case you're curious:

    Flutterby -- L
    Jen on the Edge -- D
    Mooselet - R

  6. We have pickles over here, but it more of the "not cucumber" varieties...lots of radishes, turnips, eggplants, small onions...I do love homemade pickles!! pickled okra is one of my favorite!!

    and oh yeah...pearls. lovely.

    I'll join...need some blogging ideas, this will work!

  7. "You can never be too rich or too thin"
    ....I'd add to that you can never have too much jewellery!

    Love pickles, purple, pomegranite....I'll have to send you my Purple monkey cocktail recipe!

  8. OK, Debbie, your letter is F. Seriously...I didn't pick it because of your flamingos! I wrote down a random list of letters and it's the next one.

  9. My grandparents called me pickle-puss when I was a kid - still love them. And all those pearls look like pirate trasure to me!

  10. We are all about the ABC's in our house these days. I'll have to share our new car game with you.
    Love your "P" things. Those pomegranate martinis look very inviting.

  11. You had me at Pom and Perrier!

  12. Yes, pickles! Nice big, juicy, crunchy, wake-up-your-mouth pickles. Love 'em.


C'mon, leave a comment and make my day!