
Saturday, March 07, 2009

Olvera Street

Last Saturday, Ernest had a field trip. His People to People group took a train ride, to practice for taking the train in Europe this summer. Rather than spend six hours at a mall, I tagged along. We took the train to Los Angeles, visited Olvera Street, and came back.

There were delicious tacos.

Is this what happens to the leftovers?

There were colorful souvenirs like wrestling masks...

My personal favorite, decorative food shaped objects:

There was music.

Listening to a pan flute group, there was a child who would not let me take a picture of him laughing after I reminded him of the pan flute South Park episode. (Did you know that Peruvian pan flute bands are the only thing standing between us and an invasion of giant clothed guinea pigs? I didn't think so.)

There were lots of people.

There was the oldest home in Los Angeles.

Then there was the dead camera battery.


  1. Feild trips to my part of town are alot of fun. As is said. "It's a fun place to visit..." danish Flash

  2. Oh my goodness, you were so close to me!

  3. Yummmm. Those tacos look great! What a fun experience. I love the train.
    I am trying this blogging adventure again so check me out!

  4. Were those cow legs???

    Damn the battery.

    A train ride sounds fun.


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