
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Welcome to Multitasking Mom on the Go

My Beloved Niece is blogging again.

She tells the truth of her busy life with a sense of humor. This goes back a long ways. Like when she was 3, she came over to my house and told my mom how messy it was. And she was adorable. And we laughed over that for years, because it was the absolute TRUTH.

In the years since, she has been not only my niece but also my little sister and my best friend.

I know for a fact that she is an awesome mother. I know this because she practiced trained on my own children. She nannied Frank during that difficult summer of almost-age-3 when he refused to be potty trained. And later, she crazily still came back for more, nannying both boys (at ages 8 and 2) and literally saving my life when I was pinched in that sandwich generation. And not just a sandwich, but a Dagwood sandwich: (2 young children, working full time, commuting, an elderly mother and an even more elderly aunt who didn't know where she was anymore).

I was once more truly grateful when she and her husband decided to move back to our small town last year. When she talks about their garden...that's the house I grew up in but they keep a much better garden now. And a much cleaner house!

Anyway, she is Mom on the Go at Multitasking. Give her some bloggy'll enjoy her and she'll appreciate your company.

And just so you know: Constant Comet = McQueen. Busy Bee = Mr. Thomas. Well, of course he's a bee. I have proof.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the beautiful introduction! It made me laugh as I looked around my messy home. I was proud to practice my parenting on Frank and Ernest and appriciate my aunt/sister/friend in my life.


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