
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Arts and Crafts

My niece and I took a class Wednesday night on making beaded jewelry.

Now I'm no Lori Anderson. Go look at her jewelry -- it's gorgeous.

But my little project came out OK. I already had the was a gift from a good friend and was originally on a plain black cord. However, the cord was too tight around my thick non-swanlike neck. So I made it longer and jazzed it up a little bit. I'm happy.

Boy, beading could be addictive!

But I have too many hobbies I've started and stopped. I've done embroidery, crewel, counted cross stitch, needlepoint, sewing clothing, quilting, rag rugs. Watercolors and acrylics. Scrapbooking.

The worst UFOs are: a counted cross stich (started about 15 years ago), two boys' shirts (11 years ago), a Batman quilt (5 years ago) and a needlepoint pillow cover (only 1-2 years ago).

I like that I could go to the class and come home with a FINISHED project!!!

So confess: what's unfinished around your house and how long has it been?


  1. A patio that I must finish by next weekend. It will be done, but it will be far less than perfect.

    I also have three scarves in various stages of being knitted.

    Oh, and a felted wool quilt that I'd like to finish soon. Just so I can start another. :-)

  2. Does housework count? No? Drat.

    I have a third of a latch hook rug completed, and it's been about 2 years. And a basket full of good intentions. :-)

  3. Holy cow, woman! That's wonderful!

    Unfinished work -- my head spins just picking one! It would probably be a sweater that still needs to be sewn together. All the hard work is done but I HATE sewing up. And I started it six years ago, at least!

  4. hmmm.. the longest one not finished is a cute little toddler sized 2 bathrobe for my daughter... who is now 16 years old.

  5. Love the necklace! I've thought about taking a beading/jewelery making class but like you have started and stopped so many things. What's currently unfinished is Morgan's baby book which was started over 2 years ago. It's still in it's regular place on the dining room table though.

  6. A Victorian dollhouse I've been working on since I was 14 or 15. I've been putting shingles on since 2001. (Or not putting shingles on, to be more accurate.)

    Everything I do is an unfinished project.

    I'm looking at the stacks of CDs that we still need to finish putting on the computer (started that project 2 years ago).

  7. I started beading last year and became quickly addicted and then it was just *poof* I was done with it. I made several bracelets and windows hangers. I have tons of bead and supplies left over.
    I love your necklace! You did an excellent job.

  8. I do mosaics. I have a space up on a covered deck off my laundry room. I finished the tiles on a pot for a friend, but didn't grout it before the weather turned. But I took the tarps down and cleaned up last weekend and I will grout the pot this week and finally give it to my friend!

  9. Digging a new flowerbed, because I can never have enough...

    I've done the beading addiction, and I'm here to tell you that it is expensive! I got caught up buying beads on eBay (still have a bunch downstairs somewhere), and had to stop cold turkey. Fun, yes. Economical? Nope.

    Your necklace turned out beautiful!

  10. That necklace is great and oh yeah...Lori Anderson's stuff is awesome!! very tempting....

    Beading is something I tried but found to have very little patience for. I now have about 10 Goddesses in varying stages of "development" awaiting my return to the machine/stuffing/embellishing/stitching.
    How bored would we be without unfinished projects mocking us!!

  11. *wondering how I can finagle getting Bunny as a partner in a Christmas swap this years with all those beading leftovers*....


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