
Sunday, April 05, 2009

Daily Newspapers

Sunday morning....I get the paper from the driveway, pull out all the ads and junk I don't read, and settle down with a cup of coffee. It doesn't take long to read it, because most of the news has been on the internet already. I do the crossword puzzles and I'm done. Then it all goes into the recycling pile.

It seems to be a big waste of paper. I'm tempted to cancel the subscription. Yes, I'll be contributing to the death of print.

I'm curious: what's your opinion on the newspaper?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. As a journalist, I don't have opinions, I remain neutral. But I can tell you I worked for two evening and one national newspaper for 8 years total...and I've worked online ever since.

    We do get a daily paper, and a Sunday one. I find DH reads the sport, I read the "two" section (eg the more featurey bit) and neither of us reads the actual news section as we get our news online. We read all of the Saturday paper...and very little of the Sunday one, if I was going to cancel one, that would be the one I cancelled.

  3. I think that newspapers are a dying breed. We cancelled our subscription about four years ago and really haven't missed it. I read both our local paper and CNN online and watch TV news on occasion.

  4. I don't get the Sunday paper by subscription any more, but when I buy one, I sit down and read it almost cover to cover and love it. It's my special Sunday morning treat. The Seattle Sunday paper was always my favorite. (yes, even over the NY Times)

  5. I love reading the NYT in the morning. There is something about holding the large floppy pages and smelling (not sniffing) the newsprint that makes it seem real. I also read the news on about 3 or 4 different websites.

  6. We read our daily news online and, until we moved, got the Sunday paper. Not the local one, which is rubbish, but the Washington Post. We've always thought the Post was excellent, but have noticed a definite decline in quality in recent months. Thus, when the Post carriers couldn't manage to transfer our subscription from one address to the other, we didn't hesitate to cancel. We haven't yet decided if we'll renew.

  7. We canceled daily delivery years ago when I realized every week I was throwing out 6 newspapers I have never even unrolled. I was reading it all online. I get the Sunday paper for the ads and coupons. I usually peruse the *news* sections but there is rarely anything I haven't already seen somewhere else. The Sunday paper is my *thing*. No one around here is allowed to mess with it until I've read it, lol.

  8. We subscribe to our local paper, there is no extra charge for the Sunday addition.
    Both husband and I will read it, and look at each other and proclaim that there was nothing in there.
    Our Monday paper carries the court news, so we always have to read that part!!

  9. I still find much more complete content in my newspaper SF Chroncle) than I do online and I will never gve it up. My husband growls at me about it - but I love my daily paper.

  10. I'm so sad at what has become of the newspaper. I still read it daily and subscribe, but I can tell the days of the actual newspaper are numbered.

  11. We almost NEVER read the paper. Not even the free ones. I used to buy one every Sunday morning for the crossword puzzle in the tv guide and then, they made the tv guide available only to those with home delivery.

    Oh well, that's $1.50 a week in my pocket.


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