
Tuesday, May 05, 2009


I've been celebrating a lot today!

1) All my dental work is done. Done, done, done. Instead of a mouthful of silver, I now have a nice mouthful of tooth-colored teeth. Whoo-hoo.

2) I broke out my Mother's Day present to myself a little early. Wow, did I receive a lot of compliments on my beautiful Lori Anderson cameo. Thank you, Lori! I can't wait to get the bracelet I bought for my birthday!

Photos from

3) I asked for a new toilet and bathroom floor (for the upstairs bath) and the Handy Husband is in the process of making that come true. What is it with me and toilets? I got one for my birthday last year. Maybe it's like the dental work, getting rid of the old and ucky before it breaks down.

4) Cinco de Mayo is the perfect excuse to celebrate with a margarita and a batch of guacamole. Never mind that the rest of the dinner isn't Mexican-themed.


  1. Don't you just love Lori's work? Every time I wear something of hers -- and it is nearly every day -- I feel so much prettier and ever so chic.

  2. I like the way you celebrate!!
    I keep going back to Lori's site and thinking I need to buy pretty much everything I see!! Must narrow it down a bit before I get the credit card out!!

    Margs and guac? You mean...THAT isn't dinner??
    Happy Cinco de Mayo!!

  3. Have a great Mother's Day. I'm pretty sure, that I'm getting tickets to see "Wicked" while they are in Indy. At least that's what Boy has told me!!

  4. I always love home improvement projects. Congrats on the dental work, I hope to be done soon too. (I just found out I need a root canal but then I'm done!)

    The cameo is beautiful!


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