
Monday, May 04, 2009

Me No Wants to Dreamz about STARz

I had my usual strange dreams this weekend. The worst one was about the state-mandated testing (Standardized Testing and Reporting) which start this morning.

Saturday night I was troubled by dreams of one of our most challenging second graders: He is smart and articulate, but he is also the most argumentative, interruptive, get my drift? He'll probably grow up to be a lawyer? Politician? CEO? But right now? He's my nightmare.

In my dream, he had scribbled over the entire test packet, both in a black marker and a pink highligher. And he had gone ahead, far far ahead of the stop signs. Is this a premonition of the week to come? Save me...

(Update: I'm assigned to the other classroom for the testing so I don't even have to worry about this little dude!)


  1. Blahh. Wishing you lots of luck. Hide the markers.

  2. THinking good thoughts and calm cooperative children for you.

  3. Maybe he'll be a good boy this week.

  4. Standardized test anxiety dreams! Those are the WORST.

    Good luck for the week ahead...

  5. Ellie starts her 3rd grade testing tomorrow and she's far more anxious about it than I'm comfortable with. She's having a relaxing shower right now and then we're going to tuck her into bed an hour early -- per her request.

  6. It's ridiculous how large testing looms in our collective consciousness.

  7. Glad you were assigned to the other classroom. I know we need people like him later in life, but he sounds like a nightmare right now. Enough for the stories to be considered "birth control" I'm sure!


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