
Friday, May 29, 2009

A Separated at Birth Hairy Tale

I've been wanting to do a "Separated at Birth?" post for a I have two examples.

We were watching Kurt Russell in "The Thing" last night and I noticed a resemblance... (But at the end, when Kurt's hair is far messier curlier.) And here's Frank's version...

As of this afternoon, he's trimmed up a little more...

And looks more like this...
Frank's a little elusive and hard to photograph, like a deer or some other wildlife. If he was amenable to posing, I could have gotten much better look-alike poses but you get the drift.


  1. Elusive and hard to photograph--that's my Danger Boy! Perfect description.

    He's got great hair.

  2. giggle, giggle. My boy doesn't care too much for being photographed either. That was pretty darned funny....did you show him?

  3. This is great! He can't go wrong being compared to either of those guys. :-)

  4. Ohhh, I actually liked it longer. Was he cutting it for a job requirement or just because he wanted to?


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