
Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thank yous!

May was my lucky month! In addition to Mother's Day and my birthday, I won two, yes TWO, giveaways from some wonderful bloggy friends.

From Debbie in Japan....

this arrived a few days before my birthday so I held onto it until the day...

My very own goddess...

A flamingo, of course...

And these fabulous handmade zoris...

And from Mooselet in Australia...

This arrived on my actual birthday!

Coasters with useful Australian, "don't get your knickers in a knot!"

And joy of joys, she also sent a pack of TimTams. I'm going to hide these from Frank. He brought TimTams home from his trip to Australia 3 years ago and hardly shared them at all!

So thank you, Debbie and Mooselet! Not only did you make my day, you made my month. Here's Aussie saying No. 2, "Get a mullet up ya!"*
*"Life is good, let us drink to that!"


  1. What fun winnings! Congratulations!

  2. I'm so glad you like both the slippers AND the Goddess!! I do love giveaways...may have to plan another one--that one was so much fun!!
    have a great day!!

  3. A very very late "you're welcome" from me, but I've been flat out like a lizard drinking. :-) I'm glad you liked them and hope you got all the TimTams for yourself.


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