
Friday, May 08, 2009

Waiting, wondering, worrying

Waiting...for the handy husband to get see Star Trek on Sunday!...for school to be over!...

Wondering...what to cook for dinner...what we're going to do tomorrow besides pick out flooring for the bathroom...why my freezer is full of ice packs that fall out on my foot (actually I have an answer but I can't upload the photos right now)...

Worrying...about friends that have had to evacuate from the fire south of us...about how far it's going to spread...and how long it's going to last.

What are your 3 W's for the weekend? What are you waiting, wondering, or worrying about?


  1. Waiting for the weather to stop being so depressing.

    Wondering when everyone will agree on a definite Mother's Day plan.

    Worrying about all of these children that keep popping up on the news, after being kidnapped.

  2. Waiting for the contractor.

    Wondering how much an addition will cost.

    Worrying that it will be too much because I've already got my heart set on it.


  3. Happy Mothers Day! I'm waiting on airplanes, wondering if I've made the right decision and worrying about how it will be taken by the extended family.

  4. Well, the weekend is over. It consisted of weeding, watering, and whining. Asking for yard work as a Mother's Day present is a bad idea.


C'mon, leave a comment and make my day!