
Monday, June 22, 2009


I haven't done much with the sewing room mess, but I've gotten two other rooms under control.

More on the bathroom tomorrow.

I've also been tidying up the guest room, since we are going to have company in August. This mostly involved:

  • shoving lots of things into the closet.

  • hanging paintings on the wall.

  • taking other paintings in to be framed.

  • unsuccessfully trying to scrub the stains off the wall. Frank used to toss cans and bottles at his trash can and apparently missed a lot.

  • rediscovering some beaded garlands I got from Pottery Barn years ago. I always intended to drape them around the windows, so finally I've done that.

Update: Louise asked for a picture of the window... (Yes, that is a mini Leg Lamp.)


  1. Love that bead photo. Do we get to see them around the windows?

  2. Oh. Wow. I *love* the lamp! And the beaded swag around the window is terrific!

  3. shoving lots of things into the closet....hahaha - thats my technique too!

  4. Isn't that what extra closets are MADE for??!!

  5. Oh, I just had a chance to come back. I love it!!!


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