
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Nothing Wrong With This

There's some controversy over the President's jeans.

No, these are not "mom jeans." They are "dad jeans" and they look just fine.


  1. I clearly am out of touch with current events. I've heard nothing about jeans. I'm glad I read blogs so I can have a clue what's going on it the world!

  2. I'm thinking he looks very comfortable going to a ball game. That's what it's all about, right?

  3. I cannot figure out what the big deal is over those jeans. They're just jeans. As long as they cover his presidential butt, I'm good with whatever he chooses.

  4. With all the things going on in the world, people are talking about his pants??? He's wearing them and I bet he puts him on one leg at a time - the end.

  5. What in the world did they WANT him to wear is what *I* would like to know!


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