
Sunday, August 02, 2009

Do the math...

Eggs were on sale, 99 cents/dozen. Hence, we are having deviled eggs tomorrow. I boiled a dozen, but used 2 in salad tonight.

The question I posed: how do I divide 10 eggs amongst 4 people?

Ernest's answer: give me the extras.
Frank said nothing.

Grade school math. (10 eggs = 20 halves/4 people =5 halves each).

I think I'm going to eat the extras.

"Hence?" "Amongst?" If you're British, please don't kill me. It just felt right tonight.


  1. I didn't even notice the hence, just accepted it!

  2. The part of my brain that's supposed to be used for math doesn't work.

    I love deviled eggs but haven't had them in years. I need to make batch too.

  3. Yumm that looks good. And egg salad sounds good. I haven't made that in ages either. Eggs are a really good cheap source of protein!

  4. I love deviled eggs--why do I only make them for company?

  5. My mother would make scrambled eggs for dinner, topped with a tomato/bacon sauce. She called it "Spanish Omelet" and it was one of my favorite dinners as a child.

  6. My mom makes the BEST deviled eggs, so if she were making them, *I* would have sneaked the extras and taken extra cholesterol medicine that night.


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