
Monday, August 10, 2009

Whacked Weekend

Some moron tourist backed up into Frank's car on Friday night. They were both in a left turn lane. The person in front decided he was in the wrong place and without looking behind him he just backed up -- SMASH! right into Frank. Big bad vehicle missed the little vehicle's bumper and dented the hood, air conditioning, radiator? Poor little baby car was trailered away today. Our insurance covers most of a rental car...I'm going to pick it up this afternoon.

Then on Saturday, someone ran a red light and nearly t-boned me. Fortunately I saw him coming from the corner of my eye and floored it to get out of the intersection on time. That aggravated the small headache I already had and it turned into a massive one.

Sunday was better. Our lovely visiting friends joined me at the zoo and we saw Ernest perform twice. Spider says, "You don't have any Raid, do you? I hate Raid. It frizzes my hair...and then it kills me."

But the Whackness continues. Today I got a questionnaire (fortunately not a summons) for jury duty (U.S. District Court) for a 6-8 week trial - 141 MILES AWAY!!! WTF? I have to find my proof that I already served on a trial this year.

So how was your weekend?


  1. This is all just crazy. I hope the next few days bring back some normalcy to live...keep you safe in the car and tell the court system they are out of their minds to expect you to drive that far!!!

  2. My weekend did not involve any car accidents or near-misses, so I'm feeling pretty good about how things went. :-)

  3. When it rains it pours! Thank goodness you had quick reactions in the intersection.

  4. And when it pours, it pours out money! Two weeks ago, we poured out $$$ for maintenance for the Mini, which included new brakes. But it's a wonderful little car for its 75,000 miles!

  5. And my car has quick acceleration!

  6. Glad everyone is safe at least!

  7. Car accidents? Bad. Frizzy Hair? Possibly worse.

  8. Hope Frank is ok, and you too, after your near incident

  9. How awful. Hope good things rain on you soon.

  10. Well, if it "comes in threes" you are good to go from here!


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