
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Why I Made My Son Say What I Made Him Say

I. I drove Ernest to the zoo this morning (leaving the house at 9 a.m. on Sunday when I should have been SLEEPING) and...

II. at 10:30 remembered that he didn't have lunch money and interrupted my arts&crafts walk (wishing there was food -- less artsy, more fartsy as Homer Simpson said) to bring him some money...then...

III. as I was on my way to pick him up at 1:00 heard a phone message garbled by too much background noise... "CITs sleepover...can borrow sleeping me back..."

IV. spoke to him in person and found out details...Zoo Snooze from 6 pm to 10 am. Intense negotiations follow:
A. Yes, he can come back early after we're done with our visit to the museum of not live animals (I wonder if there is a rivalry between the places).
B. Someone will loan him a sleeping bag.
C. I've been driving forever! I don't want to drive again tomorrow morning.
D. So he'll be a CIT (counselor in training?) volunteer tomorrow, and his dad can pick him up after work. (Long day for Ernest but he's OK with it.)
E. I think he needs a jacket. He is too long and tall for the jacket that's in the trunk of my car. After we finish our family time somewhere else, we find the perfect jacket at Old Navy -- On sale!

V. Knowing that I totally HATE HATE HATE last minute planning like this, after it was arranged I made him say "You're the best mommy in the whole wide world."

VI. And he did.

VII. And he added "I love you." And "Thank you so much!"

VIII. And he pushed my dearest friend around the other place in a wheelchair. He was so nice. She was amazed that a 13 year old could be so sweet and patient. (But Frank was also a sweetheart at 13, too. Thirteen has not been a problem in our house!)

So my youngling is sleeping at the zoo tonight. I loaned him my camera -- hope he takes pictures. Do you think they tell scary animal stories?

Like this one time, when the Cabybara escaped?


  1. You ARE the best mommy! I hate last-minute plans, too.

    Can't wait to hear what he took pictures of...

  2. That is awesome. On so many levels. One, that there is a zoo sleep over. Two, that you did all that running around. Three, that he appreciated it. Four, that he is obviously so kind at such a not-kind age. Well done on the upbringing, mom!

  3. A zoo sleepover? That's going to be so great!

  4. I think 13-year-old boys are probably 1000 times better than 13-year-old girls. Great story!

  5. My kids did an overnight at Martine World years ago - they loved it - but no elephant poop shoveling. Sound like a great summer activity.

    I agree on 13 being better with boys than girls...

  6. He was asking a lot, but those words at the end are enough to melt anyone's heart. I know you already know this, but you are so lucky to have your boys. Sweet, genuine, you've obviously done an awesome job of parenting them. Kudos to you!


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