
Friday, October 30, 2009

An Awwww Moment

I was going through old photos, looking for pictures of certain colors...

And I found an Awwww Moment from June, 2004. 5+ years flew by in an instant.

Do you think I'll ever get a picture of this again?

So I ask you kindly to put an Awwww Moment on YOUR blog! And please let me know so I can Awwww right back at you!


  1. My most recent awwww moment was my dog spooning me in bed last night. I'm afraid if I blog that I'll attract a whole new demographic.

  2. Good grief, I can't believe how different both boys are now.

  3. That is such an AWWWWWWW!!! I'll have to think if I have anything that would even be an AWWWWWW! picture. (It might be pet related.)


C'mon, leave a comment and make my day!