
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

5 a.m. Phone Call

This happened yesterday.

It's a scary thing when the phone rings at 5 a.m. Especially when you have been sick half the night with some kind of icky problem (bad tacos at lunch?). When the phone rang, I thought it was a family emergency. I thought someone was either dead or in the hospital. Because our phone? Is not supposed to ring at 5 a.m.

Instead, I heard: "Hello, this is Teresa from the UK. I'm calling about the package you sent UPS to Global Financial."

Me: "I didn't send any package to anyone in the UK and it's 5 o'clock in the morning." {CLICK!}

Yes, I hung up on her! I thought it was some kind of scam for my credit card information, and at at that hour and in my condition, I didn't care to talk.

However I got another call at 8:30. A U.S. voice this time, who said she really was from UPS. The only UPS package I sent recently was to return something to Amazon with a prepaid label. Did the folks in my local UPS Store copy my name onto someone else's package? I don't know what the problem is with this package, but it's not mine, folks.

But wait, now I'm getting paranoid. What was in the package, why was it sent to the wrong place, and for gods sake why do they have my name on it???


  1. Good lord! I would have not only hung up but added a few choice mutterings before I hung up.

  2. How annoying. And a niggling mystery to boot.

    Have a great Christmas!


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