
Sunday, December 06, 2009

To Party or Not To Party

The Handy Husband is turning 50 this month.

This was in the paper yesterday:

DEAR ABBY: I will be 50 next year. My daughter is determined to throw me a party, but I'm not interested in acknowledging my age. In fact, thinking about it throws me into a panic. I realize this is my problem, but how can I make her understand that this is something I truly do not want and I won't attend? She thinks I'm joking. -- 49 AND HOLDING

DEAR HOLDING: Your daughter is well-meaning but insensitive. Because you can't make her comprehend that birthdays have different connotations for different people, and that you prefer to "forget" about this one, plan an enjoyable getaway for yourself the week that yours rolls around and leave town. And every time you feel yourself going into a panic, practice this mantra: 50 is the new 30. Once you make up your mind to accept it, then you -- like so many others -- will believe it and calm down. Aging is normal. It's stress that's the killer.

My husband does NOT want a party. I respect that. So there will be no party. Just dinner out and a chocolate cake.

(But did you notice that Abby said 50 is the new 30? All I have to say is w00t!!!!! )

I will be turning 50 in May. I would LOVE to have a party. I'd better start dropping hints, or else I will have to plan it myself. Five months to go...

Oh, yeah, was this post about my husband's birthday?

And speaking of parties, today is my BLOGOVERSARY! Cheers!


  1. I'm 47 and I agree that 50 is the new 30!

    Happy blogoversary :)

  2. Happy blogoversary!

    Having just celebrated two 40th birthdays in less than a year, I have to confess that having the parties was a lot more fun than I had thought it would be. I never doubted that Pete's party would be great, but I was less enthusiastic about having one for me. Partly because I hadn't had a birthday party in over 20 years and partly because I didn't want to go through the hassle. Pete nagged until I gave in and I'm so glad that I agreed to it.

  3. So many things to celebrate!

    We each had parties for our 40th and let 50 slide in with little fanfare. At 56 I wish I could say I FELT like I did when I was 36...

  4. Happy Blogoversary!

    I am always in favor of a party. Always.


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