
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Castle Green (Looking Up v.3)

I went back to Castle Green for the semi-annual tour. It was lovely. The ballroom was filled with dancers in Edwardian costumes. It was like being on the Titanic except it wasn't sinking.

I think almost every single turret apartment was open for viewing. Some were ready to move in. I was ready. I so love round rooms.

Honey, can you build a turret onto our house? We could just bump out the front a little bit.

No? Darn it.

Looking up in the Turkish Room...

and the rest of the camel collection would go well in there...

Looking up the stairwell...

And what was at the top...

There was even a cat.


  1. So beautiful! I bet you could copy that ceiling with the stars, add some of the beautiful fabrics like the other room and then bring in the camels!

  2. Wow, beautiful! I'm a sucker for turrets.

  3. I always wanted to live in a round room!


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