
Thursday, January 13, 2011

10 Little Things : Thing One

Name 10 little things that make you happy.

I got this meme from Green Girl in Wisconsin, but you know me, I have to do it my own way. So I'm going to show you a thing a day.

Thing number one: Pie for breakfast.

Seriously! Frank made another variation of this custard pie, this time with apricots and raspberries. Oh my, this was the best breakfast I've had in a long time. Creamy custard and tart fruit popping in my mouth. Way to wake up the tastebuds.

And yes, that is a Christmas dish. I felt like using them a while longer.


  1. My mouth started watering the minute I saw that pie!

    My mom's favorite breakfast is apple pie with cream over it.


C'mon, leave a comment and make my day!