
Thursday, January 27, 2011

10 Little Things: Thing Seven

Name 10 little things that make you happy.

Thing number seven: Dancing Children

Yesterday, one of the third graders asked me if I was going to the assembly after lunch. "We're dancing," he said. Well, I had to stay for that! Our third graders are so lucky. They all get to participate in this fantastic program. They were wonderful!

SBDI ...5...6...7....8...Dance from Rosalina Macisco on Vimeo.


  1. Oh, yes, children...the joy of children.

  2. Lovely! My seven year old son threw up after Scouts last week, when I was nice to him he looked sheepish and admited he had been spinning round and round and round and round...

  3. Wonderful.

    Both of my girls got to participate in something similar and both loved it.

  4. So cool! Maybe some year I can get a dancer in residence at Happyland Elementary--had never considered it before!

  5. What a wonderful program. I lived the stories and the observations of the teachers.


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