
Saturday, February 05, 2011

10 Little Things: Thing Nine (Magic)

Name 10 little things that make you happy.

Thing number nine: Mr. Clean Magic Erasers

I've had them in the cupboard for years and never used them. But when I saw Kristen M's comment over at Derfwad Manor, I had to pull one out and try it on my craptactularly scummy shower door.

Magic all right! I call it a miracle!

No, Mr. Clean is not paying me to say this. But if he would like to send me some more erasers...


  1. Have never seen those here in the UK but it really was the go-to in response to Mrs.G.'s question wasn't it?

    Think my 'Astonish' may do something similar.

  2. my absolutely favorite thing to clean with.

  3. I've never tried these. I have plenty of icky things I could test them out on....must remember to put them on the list.

  4. I may have to try this on my fridge. It's a pale gray but supposed to look white.

  5. Okay, I'll try it again. I did not find it useful when I first bought one...


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