
Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!! Here's some background music, "It's Possible" from Seussical.

Here's Donny's version, which I LOVE!!

McElligot's Pool is a favorite of both mine and Ernest's. This is the only Seuss book with water color I swear I was told in a museum but when I looked it up on google it said colored pencil illustrations. (And I can't pore over my own copy because I left it at school today.)

Frank went through a moose phase and his favorite was Thidwick the Moose.

What's your favorite Dr. Seuss book?


  1. It's always been The Sleep Book for me!

  2. oh, sam i eggs and ham. when i was a first grader, i checked it out of the school library so often, the librarian just gave me the copy!! ;-) that...was very cool.

  3. My kids loved Hop on Pop. I never got tired of reading The Sleep Book to them.

  4. Green Eggs and Ham for me too! I am I am.

  5. Love the Donny version. Thanks for including it!


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