
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pizza di Franco

Three years ago I swore I would never make pizza at home again.

But when Frank wants to try something new in the kitchen, I can't say no. So he made pizza dough from scratch.

Mr. Scientific, he kept asking me questions like "how does the yeast work" and "what does kneading do" and I did my best to explain, but I am no Alton Brown (that's probably where I got my answers). Frank might be interested in the cookbook Jen talked about, Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking.

But back to the pizza. Between the forgiving homemade crust and the pizza stone, these pizzas turned out really well. So well that he made them again 2 nights later.

Frank's tips: Sprinkle cornmeal on a piece of parchment paper and form your crust on that. Use an old cookie sheet as a giant pizza spatula to slide pizza and parchment onto the stone.

I hereby turn over the job of Head Pizza Chef to Frank Franco. I think I'll get him his own pizza stone, then he can make two at once.


  1. That looks super yummy.

  2. Why is this boy not in culinary school? Heck, just send him to my kitchen.

  3. we love homemade pizza at my house. i love it because my husband makes it and i get out of making dinner - and it's delicious.

  4. My mom gave me her pizza stone because she never used it. Sadly, I've never used it either. Would Franco like to come make pizza for us?

  5. I would get a pizza stone but then I would end up using it too much!!

  6. You and Glennis are on the same wavelength!

  7. Delicious!! And you got someone to cook it for you! Lucky lady!


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