
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Suited Up

Ernest has always been a model of sartorial elegance.

So when he said he needed "dress robes" for events at Hogwarts, I was happy to oblige. The tax refund came in handy!

And thanks to the BOGO sale at Men's Wearhouse, Frank went along for the ride and got suited up for free. (I don't have a picture of Frank yet.)

But here's Ernest, dressed up for Hogwart's Fancy Friday.

The shirt looks blue in the picture, but it is actually lavender, very close to the color of the wisterias. That's why I made him stand there. Then I made him do it all over again because of glare on the lens the first time.

Actually, that looks kind of artsy. Another of my miracles of bad photography.


  1. He looks great. My younger son is not a dresser-upper, but by nature, but having a girlfriend definitely improves your clothes!

  2. okay seriously? little ernest was such a cutie patootie...and all gussied up? so cute!
    little-grown up-ernest? looks very fine.
    and that artsy picture was quite nice, too!! you do good work.


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