
Monday, June 06, 2011

Board Game Day

(Counting down...3 days left!)
I brought 3 bags of board games to school today...we have a closet full after 20 years with children. Ernest still regularly whips my *** at Monopoly and Life, but he won't play Scrabble with me. Do I know too many words? I should start playing Words with Friends.

I am not quite up to speed on some of the new games. One boy brought an Angry Birds card game. And there is Star Wars Trouble now.

One of my favorite games as a kid was Seance.

I was fascinated by the teeny tiny record player inside the desk. Even more than the game, I loved putting together the set. I wish I still had it.

We've got the classics: Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, Monopoly, Life, Clue, Scrabble, Twister, Sorry, Trouble, Jenga, Yahtzee (although I still don't know how to play it), and some others too: Jumanji, Zathura, SpongeBob, Goosebumps Terror in the Graveyard, Whack-a-Mole, Harry Potter Levitating Challenge. Yea, yea, the kids picked out those. The aMAZEing Labyrinth is different every time we play it.

And there are even more in the cupboard. Do you play board games? What's your favorite?


  1. We finally stopped game night when our youngest started hig school and was no longer interested. This reminds me that I should consider donating our games!

  2. I love Clue, Stratego and Chinese Checkers!

  3. You should definitely start playing Words with Friends. With me!

    My son will still occasionally play Scrabble with me and it makes me very happy.

  4. Right now, my girls' favorites are Clue and Life.


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