
Thursday, August 18, 2011


My car hit an interesting mileage the other day...

Me? My personal mileage is a lot higher.

Over the past few years, I used to start each summer out with high expectations of what I would accomplish. And at the end of the summer nothing would be done. Except for putting a lot of mileage on the car while Driving Mr. Ernest back and forth to the zoo.

This year I did not make any plans to accomplish anything. Or to rephrase it, I planned to accomplish nothing. Hence, no disappointments. I have seen many movies, read stacks of books, and eaten delicious lunches. That is a good life and I am grateful.

But while my summer of lowered expectations was successful, I can't keep that up forever.

Ernest goes back to school on Labor Day*** and things must change. I must make some plans and have a schedule.

***Yes, ON Labor Day. You heard me correctly. His "Hogwarts," being primarily a boarding school, does not observe the Monday holidays. Ernest is just happy that his school does not start till September. He is "old school" like me and does not like the August starting dates! If I had not been laid off (and chosen to stay that way) I would be going back to work on Monday. This Monday! My sympathies to everyone who has to show up there on Monday.

One of the many reasons I decided to stay laid off was to take advantage of the opportunity to tag along on my husband's business trips. We had such a fantastic time in Ireland. So when he mentioned he had a trip coming up, I started making plans. Nowhere as exotic as Dublin, but still...

Plans and mileage...

What's going on in your world?


  1. I'm standing on the brink (so to speak) just like you. Too much indulging, and not enough moving. I think, after this weekend things are gonna change.... yeah right.

  2. I do get a kick out of the odometer reading--I'm a geek that way, too!
    Amen to September school starts--tell Ernest we're of the same mind at Chez Green Girl!

  3. I did the same thing this summer -- set no goals. It was so nice.

    My kids are back in school (already for a week) and now I'm making no plans other then work and getting homework/school projects/sports done. Which is plenty.

  4. I always take photos of interesting mileage too. My favorites are the ones involving the 11's.

    New in my world...way to much to muck up your blog, my Mother lurks 2-3 times a day on my blog so I can't write there either. In short, moving out of Stamford, likely by myself, scared as heck and likely the final break up of the SO.

  5. We start school this coming week, so no September start for us.


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