
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Signs of Fall 2011

We're starting to see the usual signs of fall around here.

Handy's laid in a good supply of firewood and is itching to use the fireplace or woodstove. He wanted a fire Saturday morning and I begged him not to since it was going to be hot in the afternoon.

Frank and I love blueberry bagels for breakfast. Late on Sunday afternoon, the pickings were pretty slim at the store. I picked up these seasonal pumpkin bagels, and they are actually quite delicious.

Since I'm not working right now, I've set a few minor goals for myself. This is totally unusual for me! One of them is to complete some of my many unfinished projects. This needlepoint was shoved away on a shelf for a couple years. I was annoyed to find that it had gotten a little motheaten. I've repaired most of the damage now, and am stitching away. Of course, finishing the canvas is one thing. Then it still needs to be turned into a pillow.

We don't get a lot of fall color here. We go from green to yellow to brown. So I was quite pleased to find this gorgeous leaf in the yard this morning which runs the usual gamut and adds some surprising red in it.

My apples are slowly ripening.

Francine feels good cat camoflage is appropriate for any season.

What says fall in your world?


  1. Love the colors in the needlepoint and the leaf, and your apples look amazing!
    We won't discuss my unfinished projects (well, I could, but it would be an entire blog post).

    Fall, in my new world: fire in the wood stove, sweatshirts, high school & college football and marching bands.

    And now I want to taste a pumpkin bagel...

  2. I can't wait for a fire in the fireplace! It's my favorite part of fall. Pumpkin bagels sound great. I love bagels (have you ever had bagels with cheese baked on top of them? yum!)

    To me, fall begins with the first marching band performance!

  3. For us, fall means a crisp in the air and chilly mornings.

    I'm working on a needlepoint project from the same series as the one you're working on.

  4. Today is the day, Fall has finally fallen. Yesterday 80 plus degrees, today a high of 69 which dropped into the 50's with sunset approaching and predicted to drop into the 40's tonight. Love that!

    To me, the first cool, crisp day of Fall is what says it's here. I love to see the leaves change here in New England; quite the display. I love making my first batch of soup for the cooler seasons. And I love the hard squashes, butternut, spaghetti, acorn, etc. Of course those! I would be remiss to forget my pumpkin spice lattes.

  5. The leaves have begun to turn, the air is COLD, the pumpkins are bright and football has taken over the news headlines.

  6. Beautiful needlepoint! DO finish it and turn it into a pillow, it'll be gorgeous.

    I love your apples. Make a pie!

  7. Funny you should mention fall - it snapped kinda cold here last week, and I remembered one of my long lost needle projects - I'm going to felt some knitted strips of fall colored yarn, then cut out different leaf shapes for a wreath... I should do a blog post about that... easier shown than told about.

    Look at your picture of firewood. Do you see a little face sticking out? Kinda like a kitten with its ears back... sorta in the middle.... See it?

  8. Funny you should mention fall - it snapped kinda cold here last week, and I remembered one of my long lost needle projects - I'm going to felt some knitted strips of fall colored yarn, then cut out different leaf shapes for a wreath... I should do a blog post about that... easier shown than told about.

    Look at your picture of firewood. Do you see a little face sticking out? Kinda like a kitten with its ears back... sorta in the middle.... See it?

  9. Do you see the seal poking his head out of the middle of the firewood stack? I thought that's what you were taking a picture of at first...and I was thinking "Only in California!!!"


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