
Friday, October 14, 2011

Pink Saturday: Cars

Aunt Snow's Pink Saturday quiz last week made me think about pink cars.

I have a facebook friend who counts pink cars, in an ongoing competition with her father and daughter who count purple cars. Her father feels there was some cheating involved when she counted all the pink caddys at a Mary Kay convention. Purple cars are rarer than pink ones.

Every once in a while, I snap a pink car picture and post it on her facebook page.

A pink Mustang, anyone? Even the wheels are pink!

This one says "Pink" on the bumper. I wish I had a picture of the whole car (Ernest took it while I was driving.) The lower half of the car was pink and "Pink" was written on the side.

A classic pink pick-up in Paso.

Pink Saturday - Beverly at the blog "How Sweet the Sound" hosts Pink Saturday. Let the color pink inspire you!


  1. I see several pinks around town, but personally would not want one.

  2. So good to see you at Pink Saturday!!

    I just saw a Barbie-doll pink New Beetle today in West LA!

  3. Love the classic old pickup truck!

  4. Gorgeous!

    Please come see my Pink, when you get a chance. Happy weekend!

  5. I love pink. I have a pink car for you, haven't seen it in real life but am crushing on it badly...

  6. girrrrl, I would LOVE that pickup yes I would.....

  7. Wow,the bling! Reminds me of the Barbie cars! Thanks for sharing! Visiting from Pink Saturday!

  8. Oh!Happy Day! Pink Day; that is..and late as usual ....I will spend most of the rest of this week-end skipping all over blog land...God Bless You All..and I mean really bless you!

  9. If you ever see a FOR SALE sign in that PINK car's window... please let me know! What I really want is a 1968 PINK VW, but this will do nicely until then.

  10. You had to go spill the beans about drinking slivovitz on the circus train with the Hungarians, didn't you? Now what am I going to tell Mon?

    Seriously, thanks for your comment.

    Happy blogging to you!

  11. Love to see the photos of your beautiful pink cars. It would so cool to see and look at.


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