
Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Still Here

Either nothing much has happened or a lot has happened, depending on the way I look at it.

I set some half-assed goals for September, and unbelievably I achieved do some major housecleaning, attempt some physical activity (I firmly believe said houskeeping falls in this category if you break a sweat doing it), finish a project, and spend less money.

So I have degrimed the kitchen and the bedroom. Pulled out the dresser to vacuum behind it, and voila, an electrical outlet! 23 years and I never knew it was there. It will come in handy for charging computers and cell phones.

And I finished stitching my Klimt Coral needlepoint (which I mentioned a long time ago here and more recently here).

I was trying to spend less money this month but computer things kept dying and cars needed tires and service and so on and so on. I did manage to save a bit by cutting out what kept me entertained all summer: going out to lunch and to the movies. And my gas bill is significantly lower since Ernest doesn't have to be driven to the zoo.

I plan to keep the same goals for October. On the cleaning front, I was a cruel cruel mom and told Ernest his room looked like something out of Hoarders, so I suppose I should offer to help him deal with it. I don't think he has OC issues, I think he's just a lazy teenager with too much stuff. But seriously, it's time to ditch the children's toys and a lot of Lego that he hasn't touched in 5 years. As a little boy, he loved to keep the packaging from the toys. Now he keeps shoeboxes. Soccer shoes, running shoes, hiking boots, converse all-stars. He couldn't find his cell phone one day and it was because an empty shoe box had fallen on it. Here's a brilliant idea I just had! Pack the Lego into the shoeboxes!

Enjoy October!


  1. You've been so productive! I've done nothing! I meant to clean out my file cabinet in my home office (it still has the paperwork from our mortgage taken out in 1996, two re-finances ago), but no, I haven't done it.

  2. There's so much I need to do around my house. Here's hoping I can actually get to some of it soon.

  3. Isn't it funny that the more you do, the more blog fodder there is, but alas, no time to blog, then when there's nothing to do, and nothing to blog about.... well you get the idea.

  4. A found outlet! I bet you can't wait to see what you find this month...
    the purging in a kid's room can be so therapeutic. But what my kids save is annoying, too. Mr. G is like your son, he saves boxes. He has his favorites. His father comes from a long line of hoarders so I am afraid.

  5. Wonderful photo!!

  6. I had to clean out the 15yo's room on Friday (his room becomes the guest room, and we were having overnight guests). It took 2x as long as it should have, but it looked amazing for the next 2 hours. We won't talk about the 4.5 "cube" box still in there from the move...

  7. I just love that Klimt needlepoint canvas! I had those on my wish list for years but no one ever sprang for them.


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