
Thursday, October 27, 2011

You Don't Sound Like a Senior

I'm getting overwhelmed by the number of senior citizen focused advertisements out there. I get senior dating spam, senior junk mail, and even senior sales phone calls. The latest phone call this morning made me see red.

"Hello, is this Mr. or Mrs. STM?"
"This is Mrs. STM."
"Oh, you don't sound like a senior."

Maybe because I'm not! Besides the fact that I'm not old enough to be a senior citizen yet, I find it really irritating that this woman thinks seniors have a certain sound. I'm always going to have a soft high-pitched voice and I'm going to sound pretty much the same in 20 or 30 years.

I may not look like this anymore...

But I'm not quite this, either...

Thank you phone company, for giving me something to rant about today.

Now what's your pet peeve for the day?


  1. And you didn't respond with "That's funny, you don't SOUND like an idiot"?
    But I get it--that would peeve me too!

  2. That is beyond irritating! (And Green Girl made me smile...)

    My pet peeve today is children who fail to get a decent school picture taken! The 12yo helped me pick out his shirt, then failed to wear it. (In his "defense" he did button it over his gigantic t-shirt right before the photo... I'm dreading that look in a few weeks!) The 15yo took my check & paperwork but didn't show up because "they didn't announce it" -- I'm quite sure they DID announce it since other folks knew where to go and what to do.

    They're good kids, so I shouldn't complain. But I am.

  3. Lol! Green Girl is brilliant!

    My pet peeve for today is colds. I'm on break this week, so I should be able to enjoy it, right? No. I have a cold. And it sucks.

  4. You don't SOUND like a senior?!?! Are you kidding me? Green Girl is right. Too many peeves to list today, and I'm trying to stay positive....

  5. Agree...that IS not only irritating - it's rude! My pet peeve today is being on hold with a utility company for 45 minutes! I can't believe I didn't hang up, but each time I thought about it ~ I knew I'd leave my place "in line" and just have to call back! urggg
    Happy weekend! I hope seeing my pink kitty noses helped you feel better : )

  6. I was just thinking about pet peeves on my way back to work from lunch. Our city has painted bike lane markings on all the downtown shopping core streets. Yet today I had to quickly move out of the way of a bicyclist who was riding on the sidewalk instead of using the bike lanes.


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