
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Skirting the Issue

I'll just come right out with it and say: I made my son a skirt.

Technically this is for changing in and out of those tight spandex shorts at bike races. You can do it under a towel but you run the risk of the towel dropping at an inopportune moment. I could have said, go borrow your brother's kilt but I wouldn't want it to get wrecked. His coach has something like it.

So Ernest asked me to make him one. I offered to make it of something plain and neutral, like denim. No, Ernest wanted some funky fabric. Out of several choices from my stash, he picked Cat in the Hat fabric. He'll make a bold statement at his next race.


  1. I think that this fabric is just perfect for the use. Love it.

  2. I love how he is so comfortable with himself that he chooses something bright and funky regardless of what others may say or think.

  3. That's very cool!

    My sons (who deck change into speedos for water polo) go the towel route, as do their teammates--I've witnessed a couple of drops over the years.

  4. Hey, if you're gonna have a skirt, why not make it wonderful and funky? My kudos to your young man, and to you for making it!


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