
Thursday, December 01, 2011


It was a good Thanksgiving, highlighted by the fact that I got my traditional "boy with olives on his fingers" picture. The boy is growing! Good thing I bought the jumbo olives.

He has short days this week because of school conferences, so I am a lucky auntie to have him visit. Tuesday we played board games: Battleship, Candyland, Operation (its 10-year-old batteries still worked), and Don't Wake Daddy. We tried Whack-a-Mole, but it didn't work correctly. I'm sure the moles were relieved.

During today's visit, we are going to bake cookies. His idea. Frank was a little sad that he wouldn't be around, since he is our champion cookie baker, but he is letting us use his recipe. Don't forget the special ingredient, he said. He said it's cinnamon. I think it's the cookie scooper. Or maybe it's just love.


  1. Oh, the olive fingertips! I love those pictures.

    Yes, I think the secret ingredient is love. ♥

  2. I can't believe how big he's getting!

  3. Oh, I love the olives on the fingers!! lol Thanks for stopping by tonight. You're right - my cats always help me feel better! It was just one of those days!
    Have a good weekend!
    Hugs, Cindy

  4. great picture!!! that is one tradition that i really miss!!
    i found a can of olives, but...they were small olives and the holes weren't big enough for the fingers in our house. the boys just thought i was being goofy when i had them try.
    will have to see if cost co has a can of bigger ones!!! ;-)

  5. Somehow I bet you two have plenty of the secret ingredient.

  6. It's good to know that the traditions live on. :-)


  7. I always say the special ingredient is LOVE!

  8. We used to do that with olives when I was a kid - but none of mine like them, so no cute photos like yours!

  9. Hello, I stopped over from Green Girl because you love the library. I do too.

    Being a librarian would be too quiet an occupation for me but I believe they deserve a day of special recognition. Happy Holidays!

  10. all I could think of was ...'he stuck in his thumb and pulled out a plum' Olives is a new twist on that!

  11. Happy (belated) Thanksgiving!

    Happy blogoversary :)


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