
Sunday, January 01, 2012

Hello New Year

Hello!  Happy New Year!  How's it going?  It's been a while since I've been here.  Having the whole family at home puts a cramp in my usual routine.  Not like that's a bad thing.

I gave this to my beloved niece for Christmas and she very kindly shared it on New Year's Eve.

Ernest was scheduled for 4 days of work at the zoo. I offered to drive him. Drive? Heck no. I offered to be chauffeured! He is now driving the stick shift. He's his daddy's boy. While he worked, I spent time with Jean, Robert and Jude, and yesterday, Matt. Not sure who I'll be spending time with today. Maybe I'll just shop. My husband offered to drive him, but I said why spoil your vacation by driving past your work? I've been housebound, so I'm happy to go out. So he ended up grocery shopping and making dinner. Role reversal! He's back at work tomorrow, Ernest still has another week off, and Frank is off till the 25th. (No wonder his school made a list of top 10 JCs.)

I'm not going to do a year end recap, although I might describe some of my year's love/hate relationships.

I'm also not going to make any resolutions, although I like Jen on the Edges's and Mrs. G's ideas of monthly goals.

I do have one goallette for the month:  put the Christmas decorations away.  Last year I used some of them for Valentine's Day, with the result that they stayed out until March.


  1. I like the idea of goalettes.

    Have a happy year!

  2. Happy New Year!

    Goalettes seem to be where it's at this year.

  3. Oh, you've just reminded me about the Christmas decorations!

    We're going out for a walk on this beautiful New Years Day. The decorations will have to wait till later.

  4. I love the idea of goalettes! Totally borrowing that one!

  5. A kid who wants to drive stick-shift? Whoa.

    I shared/posted an old blog-friend's goals on facebook earlier today. Between those and Jen & Heather's goalettes, that is about all I'm good for this year.

    We have another week with the college kids here, so I probably won't be back online much until they return to school.

  6. I like the idea of NOT setting yourself up for failure and that Goalettes idea is really good. This year, I'm just committing to my intention to learn, and grow, and share. I want to be open to the possibilities that come my way. Happy new year my friend!


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