
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Paneer, Gromit!

What are you doing, Mom? asked Frank as he passed me in the narrow confines of our kitchen.

Making cheese, I answered, as though that was a routine event and it should be obvious to him.

It all started with a bottle of curry sauce.  Mango curry sauce, to be exact, a birthday gift from my lovely M-I-L.  Well, that sauce cried out for shrimp but what else to serve with it?

Since Ernest is going to India in just about 3 weeks, I decided on Saag Paneer.  Of course, there is no paneer in my small town, so I set out to make it.  It was actually quite easy.  (Except for the cleaning of the stove after the milk boiled over because I had to answer a stupid phone call which turned out to be a recording asking for my husband and so I just hung up on them as the milk boiled over.)  Anyway...

Frank did wonder about the can of chili beans but that was just to weight down the cheese.

Here's the cheese, Gromit!

There are so many recipes out there.  I cobbled it together from 3-4 different ones.  I did not puree the spinach mixture, because after cleaning the stove I did not want to clean the food processor too.  No matter.  It was good.

The finished product:  

And M-I-L?  The sauce was delicious.

Yes, Ernest goes to India in 3 weeks.  On our list of things to do is buy pants.  His group travels in khaki, and with his latest growth spurt all his old khakis are capris now.  It is still nearly impossible to find pants of the right length.  I almost thought I had located them at a store in the big town but when I checked the website -- nope!  Not long enough.  Although the manufacturer has them on their that's where I ordered them.  Hemmed.  I am so over hemming pants.


  1. OH MY goodness so pretty :) You know, we have that tea towel calendar there, i think. When we moved in here there was a castoff calendar teatowel here....1966! The year I was born :) Looks like that one!

  2. I love saag paneer! Smart you for making it!

    What is Ernest doing in India this summer? That lad really gets around!!

  3. I admire Ernest's adventuresome spirit in travel. I admire your adventuresome spirit in the kitchen. I admire that food in the picture.

    All in all, very admirable! (When are you inviting me over for dinner?)

  4. Happy trails to your kid!
    That looks so yummy. And your post title made me giggle--I'm a W&G fan.

  5. Glad you enjoyed the sauce.Beloved Niece understands your taste.

  6. Yum! Saag paneled is my favorite Indian dish but I've never made it at home. Looks awesome!

  7. Give me a level of pain-in-the-a$$ness of this meal.
    1 would be PopTarts (not toasted)
    10 would be pigeon tongue soup served in hand-knit birds' nests.

    And then please omg please a recipe?

  8. I hate to hem, too. I am wearing a pair of high waters to work these days because I cannot bring myself to take down the hem. The nice thing about turning 50 - I've grown the courage to wear high waters.

    Hating to hem is about the extent of my ability to relate here. Making your own cheese? Gourmet sauce over shrimp? And spinach? Wow. I am all admiration here.

  9. Wow - I'm impressed! Safe travels to Ernest! Be sure to come over to my blog and enter my giveaway!

  10. You won Marni's book on my blog! Congrats! Shoot me an email with your mailing address and I'll send it your way.

  11. Wow, I am imporessed. I has the Saag Paneer from Trader Joes for lunch just the other day but it never occured to me to make it at home!


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