
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bacon Pie

There's bacon chocolate, bacon sundaes, bacon marmalade.  Why not bacon pie?  Or to be specific, bacon pie crust.

Last night I made quiche with my current new recipe.  I was about to mix up the pie crust in the food processor. (Ernest would be appalled because he is an old-school pastry blender man but he is not here right now.) There was the bacon sitting there, so I threw a few pieces in and pulverized them with the flour, then proceeded as usual.

It was a dee-licious masterpiece.  There was not a speck of crust leftover and you know how people usually leave some. Total cholesterol bomb, but what the heck.

Not to worry, though.  It was balanced by a salad entirely from my garden...lettuce, arugula, radishes and cherry tomatoes.


  1. Oh, we only live once. Your salad sounds luscious. (Found you through Mrs. G.)

  2. I told my boys about bacon sundaes (secretly hoping they would beg me to stop and buy one). Their reaction? meh. I really want to prove them wrong, because I cannot stop thinking about bacon sundaes!

    However, I think they would totally go for bacon pie crust with a quiche.

  3. Sweet merciful Jesus--BACON PIE?

  4. what issues I have to catch up on here. I hope that the bacon quiche can bring a smile to your face today- it would on mine ;)

  5. everything is better with bacon.


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