
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Climbing the Wall

Ernest was the first to try the rock climbing.

Those toe shoes came in handy.

Posts will be Ernest-centric for a while, but that's OK isn't it?  Just a few pictures at a time.  I never got the rest of his Guatemala pictures posted because I wanted to do something big and comprehensive.  This time I'll try little posts.

UPDATE:  Oooh, I found another picture!


  1. Is there anything adventurous that Ernest will not do? I'm guessing that column remains empty...

  2. So they did free climbing, too! I love that. What a great experience.

  3. again with those toe shoes- I am really warming up to them, maybe someday I'll be sporting my own pair! When Champ and I first started dating he introduced me to rock climbing- I never got great at it, but I could pull myself around and liked the verticalness of it (if that's a word!). The climbing shoes I wore though were very very uncomfortable!


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